Haphazard transport of patients with viral infections or vulnerable burns and immuno-compromised patients can stymie efforts to provide total protections for paients, care-givers and the enviroment.

MyISOPOD with its dual Positive and Negative usage will assist the ERT-EMERGENCY REPONSE TEAM to safely transport patients and at the same time enable paramedics to provide emergency tratement to patients in a protective capsule.

For viral infectious cases , MyISOPOD protects the ambulance crew and the enviroment both in the public and hospital. It saves time and money sterilising the amdulance after every use.

MyISOPOD is portable and lightweight, this helps the ERT personnels to evacuate vulnerable patients in challenging areas eg. in an undergraound station evacuating burns patients hurt by explosions or fire. The Positive pressure is specially designed for use on burns and immuno-compromised patients.